Healing Ministries are designed for reaching out to parishioners in need. Read below to see the organizations which fall under this ministry.

Funeral Planning

If you experience the loss of a loved one and want a funeral Mass at St. Brigid, please contact Kim VanHuffel, pastoral associate. Many times parishioners choose to preplan their funerals. Kim VanHuffel is also available to meet with them and guide them in their planning. If they wish, parishioners’ plans can be filed at the parish office. In addition, if parishioners have questions regarding the Church Rites at the time of death, or if they would like help preparing funerals for relatives who live elsewhere, Kim is available to meet with them and offer advice. For more information, contact Kim VanHuffel at 614-761-3734 or kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org.

Bereavement Luncheon Committee

A group of volunteers prepares and serves a hot meal for the families of parishioners whose funeral is celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish. In addition to those who serve, set up and clean up, many volunteers are needed to purchase and drop off food in Hendricks Hall the morning of the funeral. For more information or to volunteer, contact Judy Murcer at judymurcer@gmail.com.

Funeral Ushers

Volunteers greet families as they arrive for funerals, pass out programs, help with reserving pews and putting out tissues, and generally just being around to help where needed for the funeral.  Time commitment is about 1 1/2 hours per funeral. Contact Kim VanHuffel for more information at kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org.   

Ministry to the Bereaved

St. Brigid’s pastoral associate, Kim VanHuffel, as well as the priests and deacons of the parish, are available to meet with anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. In addition to conversation and prayer support, written materials for moving through the journey of grief will be shared. Often in sharing our grief we find God’s healing and peace. For more information, contact Kim VanHuffel at 614-761-3734 or kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is for anyone who is seriously ill (undergoing surgery, chronic or lifethreatening illness, change in health condition). Our priests are available to administer the Sacrament whenever needed. Also, three healing Masses will be scheduled during the year. Please watch the weekly bulletin for those dates. Please contact the parish office at 614-761-3734 for information on the Sacrament.

Parish Prayer Book

The Parish Prayer Book is located in the gathering area of the Church. All are invited to ask your parish family to join you in praying for your special intentions by writing them in the Prayer Book, found on the table near the choir entrance.

Prayer Chain

Members of the prayer chain receive e-mails regarding specific intentions that parishioners have asked to have remembered in prayer. Prayer requests can be made by contacting Karen Cremeans at 614-761-3734 or kcremeans@stbrigidofkildare.org. If you wish to become a “pray-er,” please mark it on the Volunteer Commitment Form or contact Karen Cremeans.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members of this ministry – individually at home, or as a group in Hendricks Hall – knit, crochet, quilt or sew shawls, lap robes or pillows to be given to parishioners who are sick or homebound, as well as those who are grieving the death of a loved one or another significant loss in their lives. Contact Ann Blake for more information at gramablake@gmail.com

Visitation to Hospitals

The priests and other members of the parish staff are available to visit any parishioners or their family members in local hospitals. Because of current government privacy regulations, the hospital can contact the parish only if the patient and/or family give permission. You may also call the parish office to let us know of the hospitalization. If you would like to receive Holy Communion while you are hospitalized, let your nurse know. Every hospital in Central Ohio has Eucharistic Ministers available.

Visitation to the Sick and Homebound

For those in our parish family who are unable to join us for Mass on Sunday due to an illness or an accident, we have a committed group of volunteers who bring the Eucharist to them. Each homebound parishioner is visited once a week and the visits are scheduled according to each person’s schedule. Please contact Fr. Lynch at the parish office to make this request.

In addition to visiting the homebound members of our parish, volunteer ministers take Holy Communion to Catholics at the Convalarium, Emerald Crossing and Dublin Retirement Center each Sunday.

Those who minister in this area are commissioned Eucharistic Ministers and make their first visits with an experienced mentor. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Deacon Paul Zemanek at pjzemanek@yahoo.com

Parishioners Helping Parishioners

This ministry helps parishioners who need help with everyday tasks, rides to appointments, or would like a friendly visitor. This ministry is looking for volunteers to help serve these parishioners. We are also looking for parishioners who need assistance because of their age or a medical condition.

If you would like to sign up to volunteer or learn more contact Pam Eifel at pameifel@gmail.com.