The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month year-round (with exceptions at Easter and Christmas). For additional information, please email the parish office at or call at 614-761-3734. You may be asked to attend a Jordan Conference, a Baptism preparation class.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of Christian life. Baptism becomes entrance to the life in the Spirit and access to the other Sacraments. Through Baptism, we are freed from Original Sin, become heirs to the Kingdom of God, are incorporated into the Church, and become sharers in the Mission of the Church.
Infant Baptism

Baptisms of infants and young children are celebrated in a group setting beginning right after the 11:00 am Mass on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Baptisms will be scheduled only by calling the Parish Office.
Prior to scheduling the Baptism, all first-time parents are required to attend a Jordan Conference instructional session. We encourage you to attend a Jordan Conference before the birth of your child, as both parents must attend. Childcare will not be provided during the conference. The sessions are held at 6:30pm quarterly on the first Wednesday of February, May, August, and November and take about two and ½ hours to complete. In this session, parents will learn about the Catholic Theology of Baptism, the Catholic Baptism Rite and ways to increase involvement in parish life. Parents can complete the Jordan Conference Registration Form and then email it to the parish office at or by calling at 614-761-3734. Parents are expected to obtain a Godparent form and have the Godparent complete the sponsor form prior to scheduling the Baptism. To download the sponsor form, click here.
All parents that have previously attended our Jordan Conference and are seeking Baptism for their child should first call the parish office to obtain instructions. Parents will be expected to obtain a Godparent form and have the Godparent complete the sponsor form prior to scheduling the Baptism.
Older Children Baptism
For children over the age of seven and young adults, baptism generally takes place after a period of Christian formation. For more information about enrolling your child or young adult in our religious education programs, please contact the Parish Office at 614-761-3734.
Adult Baptism
Adult baptism follows the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults commonly known as OCIA (formerly RCIA) provides sessions over several months to inquire about and receive information about Catholic life. In a community environment, the inquirer is given opportunities to learn the doctrine, history, traditions, faith life and the moral and social positions of the Roman Catholic Church. Generally, the person who seeks baptism is brought into full membership in the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass. For more information about adult baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 614-761-3734 or visit our OCIA webpage.