Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9 am Mass. Children (Non communed children, preschool through grade 2), may join us in the Church basement to hear the Children’s Liturgy of the Word from the Children’s Lectionary as well as hear a teaching about the readings of the day. Children will be dismissed prior the the First Reading and resume after the Homily, during the Presentation of the Gifts.
We require two Shepherds to facilitate this opportunity for our families. The First Shepherd is the leader of the readings and lesson for the day and the Second Shepherd assists the First. Shepherds are required to be compliant volunteers in accordance of Safe Environment Policies. Those who sign up will have follow up communications with the Safe Environment Coordinator as well as the Director of Religious Education.
If you have questions regarding this ministry, please contact the Religious Education Office at 614-761-1176.