55+ Club

The St. Brigid of Kildare 55+ Club schedules a broad range of events each year.  The parish subsidizes costs for many activities that may include entry or meal charges.  There are no club dues or joining fees.  

Local bus trips are planned and scheduled to events and attractions, such as concerts, plays, musicals, sports events, museums and tours of Catholic, and governmental business sites.  Transportation and admission fees are subsidized by the club.

The club sponsors social activities throughout the year: an elegant Christmas luncheon, annual picnic, Octoberfest, monthly men’s and women’s breakfasts, and dinners at local restaurants,-all organized by committee members.

First Wednesday meetings feature interesting speakers and roundtable discussions.  Past speakers have included St. Brigid religious staff and representatives from community and educational organizations.  Recent topics have included senior nutrition and fitness, community social action resources and spiritual development.

The club usually meets at 1:30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.  Most meetings are held at St. Brigid of Kildare Hendricks Hall.

For program details or other club information, contact Cathleen Wolf, 55+ Club Chair at 614-376-0645. For details about free membership, contact Member Services Chair Jonda Lacy at jondalacy1@gmail.com.


Back row, left to right: 
Sally Imes, Corresponding Secretary
Joane Less, Past Chair
Nancy Shuster. 2nd Vice Chair
Joan Heasley, 1st Vice Chair

Front row, left to right:
Renee Klos, Chaplain
Cathleen Wolf, Chair
Cynthia Jensen, Program Chair
Jonda Lacy, Member Services Chair

Missing: Mary Ellen Sweeney, Recording Secretary