Parish Administration Ministries are in place to ensure parish systems and processes are designed to give parishioners the best experience, and to demonstrate vision and leadership for the future.
Steering Committee
The Parish Steering Committee serves as an advisory body to the pastor in his administration of the parish by assisting in the strategic planning for the future of the parish and the establishment of policies. Members represent all parish committees and organizations and ensure communication and coordination among the parish committees and ministries. There is an Executive Committee within the Steering Committee which sets the agenda and determines the focus and goals for the year.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees many of the financial aspects of our parish including the analysis and review of the annual budget, monthly income, expenditure and liability requirements and coordination of all parish fundraising programs in accordance with Diocesan rules. Membership candidates must interview with the pastor.
Tapestry Committee: “Many Strands, One Parish”
The Tapestry Program is our annual parish commitment program. Each September, we celebrate volunteerism and invite all parishioners to make a commitment of time, talent and treasure to St. Brigid for the coming year. As part of the Tapestry Program, we ask that you attend the Ministry Celebration Weekend in mid-September. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the individuals involved in the parish’s over 60 ministries and to ask questions and learn about becoming involved. The Tapestry Program also asks that parishioners make a financial commitment to the parish at this time. There are many options available for you to fulfill your yearly pledge to the parish.
Volunteers are currently needed with a variety of skills to serve on the Tapestry Program Committee. Please consider this important mission—helping others discover their calling to be involved in the life of our parish. To get involved, contact Sarah Moore at 614-761-3734 or smoore@stbrigidofkildare.org.
Special People in Catholic Education (SPiCE)
Special People in Catholic Education (SPiCE) supports the education of children with special learning needs in our parish and school. We value each student’s unique spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, cultural, and emotional needs. Each child in our parish is a child of God, and our program supports the educational needs of all children as we strive to serve a variety of learning styles which provides diversity in the classroom environment. To get involved, contact Sarah Moore at 614-761-3734 or smoore@stbrigidofkildare.org.
To learn more about SPiCE, visit the webpage here.
New Parishioner Welcome Committee
The goal of our welcoming committee is to give every new family or individual a sense of belonging and help them become an integral part of our faith community. We personally contact our newest members and invite them to participate in parish life. The committee hosts several welcome events during the year, which are great ways to get involved with the parish.