Serving During Mass: Liturgical Ministries

Every weekend Mass is planned and celebrated with the support of over 20 lay ministers. For recent minister schedules, please see the Liturgical Minister Schedule below.  Liturgical Ministers are scheduled monthly based upon the Parish’s Worship needs. There are usually two annual Liturgical Ministers Training and Commissioning Workshops held each fall and early spring. You must be trained and commissioned in your respective ministry to serve in a liturgical role for St. Brigid of Kildare Parish.

For further information concerning Ministry Captains, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, Ushers, and Greeters, please contact the parish office at (614) 761-3734 or email

Liturgical Minister Upcoming Schedule:

October 2024
September 2024
August 2024

Liturgical Ministry

The Church has called you to share your time in service to the family at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish. It is a gift and honor to do so, but it also comes to you with further responsibility to answer this call. We thank you for your commitment to this ministry on behalf of the St. Brigid of Kildare Parish Community.

One Hour Eucharistic Fast

In order to receive Communion, every Catholic is required to fast for one hour immediately preceding the reception of the Eucharist. Chewing gum, eating candy, drinking anything other than water, and the like during Mass breaks the required fast; someone doing this should refrain from taking Holy Communion at that Mass. (Note: the taking of needed medicine – whether prescription or over-the-counter – does not break the fast. Medicine must be taken at the time it should be taken and taken without fail; a person may receive Holy Communion even if he or she took medicine orally within the preceding hour.)

Dress Code for All Liturgical Ministers

  • Dress appropriately for church in business or business casual attire.
  • No shorts, jeans or very revealing dress, no tennis shoes/running shoes or flip-flops.

Securing a Replacement

  • Schedules will be mailed or e-mailed to you monthly. Each Liturgical Minister is responsible for finding their own substitute prior to the scheduled day to serve.
  • In searching for a replacement most people find it helpful to request a substitute through e-mailing those who also serve in the same category and at the same Mass.

Ministry Captain

The Liturgical Ministry Captain serves the Parish community by coordinating the activities of all Ministry roles at weekend Masses. This experienced and knowledgeable Minister greets each Liturgical Minister before Mass and assures that all roles are filled. This Minister provides an atmosphere whereby the clergy can perform their roles with a full complement of Liturgical Ministry support. A Ministry Captain must be a commissioned Liturgical Minister at St. Brigid of Kildare with two or more years ministry experience.

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist

The lay Eucharistic Ministers are called “Extraordinary” ministers. They function only when recommended by their pastors and commissioned by the Bishop. This commission is usually for only two years with the possibility of renewal. This is a ministry where the Eucharist is distributed to our assemblies.  All those who are confirmed and are at least 16 years of age or at the pastor’s discretion are invited to participate in this ministry.

To register online for Eucharistic Minister training, click the button below.

Altar Server

Altar Servers provide an important liturgical function by assisting the clergy before, during, and after the liturgy, and serving as prayer leaders for the congregation. Mature boys and girls in fifth grade or above must attend one training session and complete a mentoring process prior to beginning their ministry. For more information on Altar Servers call the parish office at 614-761-3734.

To register online for Altar Server training, click the button below.

Questions? Contact Todd Pepe at


Lectors proclaim God’s Word in the liturgy. When you answer the call to be a Lector, you enter a deeper responsibility with God revealed in sacred scripture. You take upon yourself the awesome duty and privilege of speaking God’s message. Your proclamation enables God’s Word to achieve the purpose for which it was sent.

To register online for Lector training, click the button below.

Usher and Junior Usher

Ushers serve the community by recognizing, welcoming and caring for each member of the assembly.

Click below to fill out the usher training information sheet.


The Greeter serves the community by recognizing and welcoming each member of the assembly as if that person were Christ. Just as we greet guests to our homes, so do these ministers help the members of the assembly feel welcome and comfortable as they gather for Liturgy. All individuals, groups and families are welcome to participate in this ministry.

To register online for Greeter training, click here.


Cantors assist at all weekend Masses by leading the congregation through song. They also sing on Feast Days and for Evening Vespers during Advent and Lent. Cantors must have good vocal strength and quality. Ability to read music is helpful, but not required. For additional information please go the Music Ministry page of the website, email Paul Melcher at or call the parish office at 614-761-3734.