SPiCE Corks for a Cause 2025: Red Carpet

The annual Corks for a Cause silent auction and wine tasting that benefits our parish and school’s SPiCE (Special People in Catholic Education) program will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 7 PM in Hendricks Hall. We are excited to continue to offer online bidding for guests who do not attend in-person.

Donations Needed

We are looking for donations of silent auction items (e.g. tickets, vacation homes, gift cards, etc.) as well as any bottles of wine or champagne valued at $20 or higher or bourbon valued at $30 or higher for our Wine Grab! If you can donate, please contact Sarah Moore at smoore@stbrigidofkildare.org.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We also have several sponsorship opportunities that families or businesses can take part in. To learn about sponsorship opportunities, click here.


Ticket sales are now open! To purchase tickets, visit corks25.givesmart.com (or click the button below).