“One Faith, One Family”
Catholic faith formation is a lifelong process of spiritual growth, increased understanding, and commitment to the faith and traditions of the Catholic Church. Our desire at Saint Brigid of Kildare is to share as a community in the ministry of Christ, living as One Family and sharing in our One Faith. We hold dear the vital sacramental life of the Church, given to us by Christ, calling each of us to act justly, with love and mercy, living in communion with one another. Following Christ is a lifelong journey and we invite you join us. Catechesis at Saint Brigid is for all- children, teenagers, young adults, and adults. Welcome home to Saint Brigid!

Religious Education 2024-2025: Family of Faith
What is Family of Faith? Family of Faith is a model of catechesis that places the joy of sharing the Catholic faith with family and the community in the parish, and the core of learning the Catholic faith with supported resources in the home. It equips and empowers families to learn about and practice the Catholic faith together, ultimately serving as a family formation model. Family of Faith will focus on each family’s relationships with the Lord and with one another, the life of prayer and ritual in the home, and the call to reach out and serve others as part of our baptismal mission. It will provide experiences of prayer, learning (catechesis), and service for families to participate in together.
How will Family of Faith work? Family of Faith will use a religious education curriculum published by Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries. This curriculum provides the content and activities for the at-home lesson resources. Family of Faith curriculum operates thematically. Our first year of Family of Faith will be focused on the Foundation of Faith.
When is Family of Faith? The family faith formation model is flexible! We will hold weekly in-person offerings for our families, which enforce the weekly catechesis taking place at home. Families will have tools to continue the conversation at home with Family Faith Formation Conversation Cards. These lessons are a boxed set that encourage the conversation to continue in the home.
In-person learning opportunities will be similar to VBS style sessions for students in grades K-5, and similar to Youth Ministry events for grades 6-8.
Why Family of Faith? For quite some time, the Holy Spirit has been leading the Catholic Church in new directions for Religious Education. It is most recently that we have seen the need and have the ability to really follow where the Spirit is leading! This is one of the most exciting and challenging things about the times in which we live. Studies have shown that grade-level, in-person religious education classes were effective in past decades but are no longer the best model for helping young people to learn, live and LOVE our Catholic faith. Below are some other reasons why:
- With a family formation model, we can journey with families where they are at in the faith and move forward together.
- A family faith formation model works to form and equip the parents not only to teach their children, but to exemplify how to live and incorporate the faith authentically at home.
- A family formation model trains families in the “3 R’s of the Liturgy of the Domestic Church”: The Rite of Christian Relationship, the Rite of Family Ritual, and the Rite of Reaching Out.
- Finally, family formation will help to forge relationships among Catholic families in our parish.
Who is Family of Faith for? All St. Brigid of Kildare families with students in grades K through 8 who are not attending Catholic school should be participating in Family of Faith, families enrolled in St. Brigid of Kildare School are also welcome and encouraged to participate. The Religious Education Staff will be the organizers and primary catechists, with assistance from catechists and other volunteers.
Sacrament Preparation Families: For First Reconciliation and First Communion, students must be at least 7 years old and in 2nd grade. For Confirmation, students must be at least in 8th grade. Students in Sacrament preparation will be a part of the Family of Faith program and have additional course work to complete their Sacrament requirements. Using an assigned curriculum, your child(ren) will complete the necessary materials, service and retreats with our guidance and assistance. Families will be asked to attend the required in person events (like retreats, meetings, etc.) to properly prepare their child(ren) for that sacrament.
To register: Registration opens Wednesday, May 1, 2024 and the cost for parishioners is $200 per student or $250 per student during sacramental years. The non-parishioner rate is $450 per student or $500 per student during sacramental years. Tuition assistance and payment plans are available (more details at the registration button above).
Questions: Please contact us at 614-761-1176 with any questions. We are available by phone, Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m.- 12 noon.
The Religious Education is located at:
7175 Avery Road, Dublin, OH 43017
Telephone: 614-761-1176
Religious Ed Volunteers
Religious Education is dependent on the service of our volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Lauren Geibel. Volunteer opportunities include: Small Group Leaders, First Communion/First Reconciliation Small Group Leaders, Confirmation Small Group Leaders, Hall Monitors and Office Aides. Volunteers need not have children in the program to participate, but all volunteers must take Protecting God’s Children and be fingerprinted according to Diocesan guidelines. Volunteers are also needed for special events including: Service Events, planning Prayer Services, and helping at Large Group Events.