Any Catholic who was formerly married and divorced may not marry in the Church unless they have secured a petition of nullity for the previous marriage(s).

Formerly married Non-Catholics seeking to marry a Catholic must also seek a petition of nullity for a previous marriage(s). Some people call this an annulment, though that is not exactly the correct term. The process varies in how long it takes to successfully conclude a case. St. Brigid of Kildare parish provides a staff member who is an Advocate or Procurator to help people seeking an annulment. Parishioners are also free to contact any of our parish Priests or Deacons at St. Brigid of Kildare.  Go to the Parish Staff webpage for individual contact information.

In the Diocese of Columbus, there is no charge or cost for a petition of nullity. The Diocesan Tribunal or Court is financially endowed to cover annulment costs.