OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, formerly known as RCIA) provides an opportunity for adults who are seeking full communion with the Church to learn about the Catholic faith.

Classes meet Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 pm from October through the Easter Vigil Mass in Hendricks Hall. Full communion for catechumens (not yet baptized) and candidates (already baptized in the Christian faith) occurs at the Easter Vigil, with them receiving the sacraments of Baptism (for Catechumen), First Communion and Confirmation. Spouses, sponsors, and all parishioners are welcome to attend the classes as well. Those interested in learning more about OCIA can contact Kim VanHuffel, OCIA Director, at kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org, or fill out the electronic form at the bottom of the page for Kim to contact you.
View/download the 2024-25 calendar here (updated 7.25.24)
If you plan to attend the OCIA meetings to learn more about becoming Catholic, click here to print off the OCIA Enrollment Form (updated 7.26.24). This can be turned into the parish office with attention to Kim VanHuffel, or emailed to her at the above email address.
Educational Videos
Seven of our class sessions have been recorded. Please click on the links below to watch these presentations.