Gospel Reflection Apr 14 – Deacon Frank Iannarino
Sunday, April 14
Third Sunday of Easter
Luke 24: 35 – 48
The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way,
and how Jesus was made known to them
in the breaking of bread.
While they were still speaking about this,
he stood in their midst and said to them,
“Peace be with you.”
But they were startled and terrified
and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled?
And why do questions arise in your hearts?
Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.
Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones
as you can see I have.”
And as he said this,
he showed them his hands and his feet.
While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed,
he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?”
They gave him a piece of baked fish;
he took it and ate it in front of them.
He said to them,
“These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you,
that everything written about me in the law of Moses
and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.”
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
And he said to them,
“Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer
and rise from the dead on the third day
and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins,
would be preached in his name
to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
You are witnesses of these things.”
Gospel Reflection:
I’m sure most of us have had wonderful life-changing events we could talk about, for example, getting a good job, meeting a wonderful person who changed our life — whether it was a teacher, a friend, or someone who eventually became our spouse, the birth of a dearly loved son, daughter or grandchild, inheriting or making a large sum of money, possibly finding a cure or helping one heal from an illness.
Whatever wonderful life-changing event we might think of – The Resurrection of Jesus is the most wonderful life-changing event ever!
Because Jesus rose from the dead, our world is a different world.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, evil and hatred and suffering have been overpowered. Yes, they still hang around inflicting difficulties on us, but their power has been broken by the glory of the Resurrection.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, death no longer has the last word over any of us. Death has been overcome by life, eternal life. Even sin will not win out, but forgiveness in Jesus’ name will destroy sin. Sin and evil will keep on trying to pull us down and destroy us, but in Christ we are raised up.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, even fear cannot hold on to us for long, for Jesus came to offer us peace. Notice that Jesus’ first words to the apostles in this weekend’s gospel is “peace.”
Our world is a totally different world now after Jesus’ Resurrection. But if it continues to look the same to all of us — with evil and hatred and suffering — maybe we who have been changed by the Resurrection are not helping to do what Jesus continues to ask us to do when he speaks to us with the words we will hear at the end of this weekend’s gospel: “…you are witnesses of these things.”
This world-changing event has happened and we hope to share in its blessings. However, by God’s grace, it depends on us to bring those blessings to the world around us through the witness of our lives, our goodness, our love, our peace, and our joy.
As we continue to celebrate this Easter Season, may we pause for a moment and ask ourselves how we can witness more fully to the Resurrection – The Greatest Story – and – The Greatest Event Ever!
Deacon Frank Iannarino