Gospel Reflection Jan 14 – Fr. Black
Sunday, January 14
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
John 1: 35-42
John was standing with two of his disciples,
and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said,
“Behold, the Lamb of God.”
The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus.
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them,
“What are you looking for?”
They said to him, “Rabbi” — which translated means Teacher —,
“where are you staying?”
He said to them, “Come, and you will see.”
So they went and saw where Jesus was staying,
and they stayed with him that day.
It was about four in the afternoon.
Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter,
was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus.
He first found his own brother Simon and told him,
“We have found the Messiah” — which is translated Christ —.
Then he brought him to Jesus.
Jesus looked at him and said,
“You are Simon the son of John;
you will be called Cephas” — which is translated Peter.
Gospel Reflection:
As our Gospel this weekend recounts the beginning of the discipleship of Saints Andrew and Peter, we notice that this call is not a command but an invitation. Jesus first asks “What are you looking for?” This questions implies an action from the disciples. They must seek out the Lord. Jesus does not impose Himself on them. In other words, they must want to follow Jesus. If their discipleship did not begin with this initial desire for the Lord, it would not last.
Our own discipleship follows the same path. The Lord is always there for us, but we must have that desire to find Him and know Him. Then we will be able to fully respond by serving Him.
Father Black