Vote NO – Allows Abortion through Nine Months

This Tuesday, the rights and safety of women, children, and parents are on the ballot. Issue 1 not only puts women at risk and threatens parental rights, but this extreme amendment also allows abortions through all nine months of pregnancy. The vague language of Issue 1 endangers preborn children and Catholics cannot be silent when the most vulnerable are in harm’s way. 

Catholics must Vote NO on Issue 1 because it endangers children by…

  • Allowing abortion through all nine months by using the overly broad term “health” to permit painful, late-term abortions. In U.S. law, “health” includes age, as well as psychological, emotional, or physical well-being, so an abortion providing-physician could justify an abortion in the third trimester by citing a woman’s age or emotional well-being.
  • Leaving preborn children without protection by giving abortion providers the ability to determine on a “case by case” basis when a preborn child is protected by state laws. If abortion-providing physicians can decide when a preborn child is viable, this allows the same clinician to sidestep regulations and end the lives of potentially viable children.

Our Catholic faith teaches us that every human being deserves protection, love, and care – especially the most vulnerable. This Tuesday, to defend the preborn from painful, late-term abortions and to protect children in the womb, Vote NO on Issue 1.

Visit www.voteohio.gove to find your polling location or be sure to postmark your absentee ballot no later than November 6th.

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The Catholic Conference of Ohio is the official voice of the Catholic Church in Ohio on public policy, advocating for the dignity of life at all stages, immigrants, Ohioans in need, and Catholic education.