Real Presence, Real Future is a two-year diocesan-wide consultative process that invites participation from clergy, lay ecclesial ministers, parish volunteers, and all the faithful.
You can read more about the initiative on their website at realpresencerealfuture.org.
Informational Slides & Timeline 2021-2022
Real Presence Real Future: St. Brigid of Kildare Fall Parish Consultation Sessions, Sept 20 and 22, 2021
Click here to view the recording from the September 20, 2021 session.
Disciple Maker Index Survey
During Lent 2021, all parishioners at parishes in the Diocese of Columbus were asked to take a 15 minute survey called the Disciple Maker Index. We have received the results of these surveys, and have compiled them into a report for our parish. The RPRF team has also compiled the results summarizing all parishes in the Diocese of Columbus. Click below to read those reports, and learn more about the next steps of the process.