Welcome New Members!
To register at St. Brigid of Kildare, visit the parish office during office hours or attend our New Parishioner’s Welcome Committee Table (call the parish office or check the bulletin for the latest dates and times).
Or, print and complete this registration form and return it to the office during office hours or to the New Parishioner’s Welcome Committee Table.
Registration forms are also available on the kiosk in the Gathering Area of the Church.
Thinking About Becoming Catholic?
Learn more about becoming Catholic here.
Parish Life
Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic faith community and a commitment to the life of the parish family. To so clearly state your Catholic commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages, recognition, and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishioner makes things much easier when it comes time for an infant baptism, school registration, weddings, when asked to be a baptismal or confirmation sponsor, and even funerals.
The Parish is often asked to provide affidavits for baptismal and confirmation sponsors. They can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contributing member in our parish.
How does the Diocese of Columbus define “active”?
Registering in a Catholic parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic faith community and a commitment to the life of the parish family. Your Catholic commitment brings you many advantages, recognition, and responsibilities.
The Parish staff is often asked to provide affidavits to parishioners for baptismal and/or confirmation sponsors. They can only do this if a person is a registered and active member in our parish.
The Diocese of Columbus defines “active” members of a parish as individuals who celebrate the weekly Mass at their church, volunteer their time/talent, and give financial support to the parish.
These are also the fundamental aspects of St. Brigid of Kildare’s own Tapestry/Offertory Program. Being active is not about giving a specific amount of money or time–it is about regular participation. As each parishioner has different financial and time constraints, St. Brigid of Kildare has a wide range of opportunities available to donate your time, talent and treasure.
The purpose of our Tapestry/Offertory Program is to provide each of our parishioners with the opportunity to discover their own gifts and how they can share them with our parish community.